
We provide you with nearly 100,000 products made by the world’s largest vendors of modern technologies. These are both products addressed to consumers, as well as advanced solutions for professionals and institutions.


Services offered by AB S.A. are a strong and effective support for our Partners. They allow more effective implementation of modern business solutions and stable building of our Clients’ market position.


More than 800 global brands to choose from make up the broadest product offer among IT distributors in Central and Eastern Europe.

Own brands

For many years our own brands met the highest standards and created market trends. We are constantly working on growing the TB, Optimus and AB Competence Centre brands. – We will link the logos to, and

Register now

Become our business partner and gain access to the attractive and most extensive offer on the market in a few easy steps. Using the functional and innovative AB Online sales platform, you can not only order goods, but also manage the entire purchasing process. Take the first step and fill in the form now!

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